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A stark wooden vitrine showcases a stunning work by the minimalist sculptor Carl Andre at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas, “one hundred sonnets, I…flower.” To be honest, I didn’t know much about Andre as of three days ago. (And I…

Evening Star
Georgia O’Keeffe moved into, out of and around West Texas in her twenties, and the wide open skies she found there changed her life. For several years she taught art, soaked up the atmosphere, and made some of her most…

Musings on Double-happiness
Lately, stomach I’ve been struck by the idea that happiness comes in two distinct varieties, information pills a notion introduced by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman. By Kahneman’s lights, try there is experiential happiness, and there is memory-based happiness. The former…

Very Cherry
It is the height of cherry-viewing season in Japan, according to my online Cherry Blossom Forecast, with blooms at their peak in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. Since the 5th century, when Emperor Richiu had himself rowed around his lake under…