Category Archive:

Sky High
I’m running with a theme here. As a post-script to my recent post on the “History of the Sky” project, I wanted to mention two more airy series of artworks: Yoko Ono‘s “Sky TV,” from 1966 and James Turrell‘s incredible…

Horses, horses, horses
In an alternate dream reality, I am Patti Smith, living my days downtown, feeding the cats, packing for an upcoming tour, reading obscure literature and going to a mid-morning matinee. She makes that fantasy easier to realize via her blog,…

“When my love swears that she is made of truth…”
Watch Royal Shakespeare Company’s Trevor Nunn school one of his peers in how to read a Shakespeare sonnet—here, Sonnet 138. Each sonnet is like a soliloquy, he explains. The results of his efforts are remarkable. Thanks to Nico for passing this…

The waterways here in Maine are full of pretty wooden boats these days. And for that we can thank England’s King Charles II and the Dutch. The King, who was in exile in Holland during the mid-1600s, brought back a yacht,…