Category Archive:
Birthday Bounty
I was reading this morning about the ancient Indian kings who had themselves weighed on a pair of giant golden scales on their birthdays. They sat down cross-legged on one side of the scales, and on the other side courtiers…
All Grown Up
I am feeling frighteningly adult today. I bought cranberries. In preparation for the holidays. It’s the final frontier. But now, what to do with said tart berries? I did a little poking around and came up with a nice recipe…
Mrs. Houdini
Harry Houdini makes an appearance in Encyclopedia of the Exquisite as an origami lover. But, as ever, his devoted wife and stage assistant Bess Houdini is all but overlooked. As successful as the great magician was in making his big…
“Hurrah for Anything”
I have a cartoonish sense of the beatniks, the kind of pop-informed cliche vision—people in black turtlenecks snapping in some 50s era coffeehouse—that poet Kenneth Patchen (1911-1972) would have hated. Patchen pioneered the poetry-jazz movement of the late 50s, donning…