Category Archive:
Love to Love
“Good morrow! ’tis Saint Valentine’s Day All in the morning betime. And I a maid at your window To be your Valentine” So sang Ophelia, back in Shakespeare‘s day, when everyone believed that the first person you saw on Valentine’s…
Mmmmm Marmalade
As I write this my kitchen is full to billowing with the most delightful steam, delightful because—for the second day in a row—I’m making a giant batch of marmalade. My expert mother-in-law, Nancy Harmon Jenkins, wrote about the whole process…
A Visit to the Virtual Versailles
Did you ever fantasize that the watchman would forget about you and that somehow you’d get to stay on in the museum all alone after closing time? That’s what it feels like virtually prowling through the emptied museum galleries included…
Round and Round
Every time I go to Paris’ Jardin de Luxembourg I have to make sure that it’s there—Rilke’s beloved elephant, going round and round on the park’s carousel, as described in Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. The wooden carousel, created in 1879,…