Category Archive: Art & Artists

Flying Away…
Well, I haven’t been posting so much lately that you’d notice, perhaps, but I’ll be away for an extended visit in India over the next weeks….So Happy New Year! I hope that 2013 is magical for you. These beautiful antique…

Every Leaf and Petal
Swooning this morning over images from Andrew Zuckerman’s photography book Flower, showcasing his masterful minimalistic images of exotic and not so exotic blooms. He pictures are as lush as those of Robert Mapplethorpe or Georgia O’Keefe, though he arranges his shots…

The marvelous follows us…
After the spectacular storm last night I’m thinking about wonder, and specifically 16th century thinker Francesco Patrizi’s list of the 12 sources of wonder, which he published in the 1580s. Patrizi’s twelve sources of the marvelous: —ignorance —fable —novelty —paradox…

What the Hat?
I was doing a little research on Peter Paul Rubens’ wife Helena Fourment, this morning. They married in 1630, when he was 53 and she was 16 (ahem), and she inspired some of his most voluptuously and rosy works from…