Category Archive: Big Ideas

Dark Matter
I loved reading about French photographer Thierry Cohen’s images of the starry skies over cities like San Francisco and Tokyo minus the light pollution we’ve added to them. Nice to remember that the stars are still there, even if we…

The marvelous follows us…
After the spectacular storm last night I’m thinking about wonder, and specifically 16th century thinker Francesco Patrizi’s list of the 12 sources of wonder, which he published in the 1580s. Patrizi’s twelve sources of the marvelous: —ignorance —fable —novelty —paradox…

I swear, the next time Swiss artist Christian Marclay’s video work “The Clock” plays anywhere, I will get there. Won’t somebody let me know when that happens and before it’s too late!? I’m obsessed with this idea—an entire film, a…

To See the Sea
Artist Sophie Calle is someone whom I hope I’ll have the chance to meet somehow before one of us is no longer. I mean, that kind of thing can go wrong—you meet the admired person after so many years of…