Category Archive: Music

Cheered Up
I haven’t had as much fun as I had at the What Cheer Brigade’s show since I don’t know when. This 18-piece marching band out of Providence, RI, is a horn-blaring, drum-booming riot, just like those formed during the 13th…

Between Waldorf and Astoria
Yesterday I was reading about New York’s haughty hotel culture at the turn of the century, when the word ‘ritz’ became synonymous with a certain style of urbanized high life. There were ‘the ritzies,’ who often ‘ritzed’ those on the…

What’s a Diva to Do?
Reading about the great Italian ceramics designer Piero Fornasetti and his series of 350 plates all based on the same beautiful face, I got curious about his inspiration, the legendary beauty and turn-of-the-century Italian opera star Lina Cavalieri (1874-1944). (You can…