Category Archive: Sweets

Candy Land
An article on The Candy Professor caught my eye in the New York Times today. The good professor has so many interesting insights about candy, but her post about the candification (?) of Halloween makes a great read on the…

Wonders in Watermelon
Encyclopedia of the Exquisite includes an entry on the history of ‘sotleties,’ clever foody creations that mesmerized diners at European Medieval and Renaissance feasts, including the four-and-twenty-blackbirds-baked-in-a-pie of nursery rhyme fame. Only recently, however, did the tradition of Thai food…

Forbidden Fruit
The original maraschino cherry was made in Northern Italy from mascara cherries preserved in a liqueur made from their juices, leaves and bitter crushed pits. By the late 18th century, British bon vivants were drinking the stuff, and at the…

One-a-penny, two-a-penny, hot crossed buns
In honor of the vernal equinox this weekend (that is, a day with just as many hours of light as of dark) I baked a batch of hot crossed buns, yeasted, spiced breakfast rolls that the pagans ate in celebration…