Category Archive: Nature

Star Man
In Medieval times, today would’ve been a big day. There’s something astrologists call a Cardinal T cross underway in the skies August 6th through 7th, which means….I have no idea what. But I know it’s big. Centuries ago, the well-educated…

Sky High
I’m running with a theme here. As a post-script to my recent post on the “History of the Sky” project, I wanted to mention two more airy series of artworks: Yoko Ono‘s “Sky TV,” from 1966 and James Turrell‘s incredible…

Up in the Air
The history of giant, fluffy cumulonimbus clouds is discussed in Encyclopedia, but a San Francisco artist has embarked on an especially poetic project, “A History of the Sky.” It is simple, and stunning. A camera perched high on a city rooftop takes…

Hummingbirds Live
I’ve joined the legions of watchers who keep an eye on Phoebe the hummingbird’s California nest each day via webcam, waiting for her hatchlings to emerge.