Category Archive:

Balloon Boy
Encyclopedia of the Exquisite covers the first parachute (an umbrella contraption launched in Montpellier, France in 1783) and the first hot-air balloon, the ornate aerostatic machine which took off from Versailles as King Louis XVI watched below. Now a Brooklyn…
The Heights
[youtube][/youtube] Besides being incredibly beautiful, this video of a rocket launcher falling from space back into the Earth’s atmosphere takes up several threads running throughout Encyclopedia of the Exquisite: clouds, pioneering air-travel (in hot-air balloons and via the first parachute), silence…

Sky High
I’m running with a theme here. As a post-script to my recent post on the “History of the Sky” project, I wanted to mention two more airy series of artworks: Yoko Ono‘s “Sky TV,” from 1966 and James Turrell‘s incredible…

Up in the Air
The history of giant, fluffy cumulonimbus clouds is discussed in Encyclopedia, but a San Francisco artist has embarked on an especially poetic project, “A History of the Sky.” It is simple, and stunning. A camera perched high on a city rooftop takes…