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The marvelous follows us…
After the spectacular storm last night I’m thinking about wonder, and specifically 16th century thinker Francesco Patrizi’s list of the 12 sources of wonder, which he published in the 1580s. Patrizi’s twelve sources of the marvelous: —ignorance —fable —novelty —paradox…
The Field of the Cloth of Gold
In one of those rare moments that brings together a handful of entries found in Encyclopedia of the Exquisite, Henry VIII of England and Francis I of France met for a month-long gilded romp in 1520, cementing their friendship. In an…
Bursting through Air
“Fireworks” is one of the 100 entries in the Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. Nothing could better express the beauty, outrageous folly and primal attraction that I try to describe in 100 different ways in the book. So, in honor of…