Category Archive:
Monkeying Around
If I could have any clock ever made, I would probably choose this one—an organ pipe clock with a porcelain monkey orchestra—made by a French clockmaker and goldsmith in the mid-18th century and kept now at Paris’ Petit Palais. The…
Dark Matter
I loved reading about French photographer Thierry Cohen’s images of the starry skies over cities like San Francisco and Tokyo minus the light pollution we’ve added to them. Nice to remember that the stars are still there, even if we…
Round and Round
Every time I go to Paris’ Jardin de Luxembourg I have to make sure that it’s there—Rilke’s beloved elephant, going round and round on the park’s carousel, as described in Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. The wooden carousel, created in 1879,…
Just before I left Paris for good several years ago I discovered Camille, the French singer who has Edith Piaf‘s bravado and the quirkiness of Bjork. I sang her song about quitting Paris to myself a lot back then. Now,…