Category Archive:

Very Cherry
It is the height of cherry-viewing season in Japan, according to my online Cherry Blossom Forecast, with blooms at their peak in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. Since the 5th century, when Emperor Richiu had himself rowed around his lake under…

Haste Thee, Nymph
[youtube][/youtube]A lovely sunny picnic yesterday, and snow today. All I can say is, come on, haste thee, nymph. I’m dying for spring. So this ridiculously spring-y song is a classic summons to the season, with words taken from John Milton‘s…

One-a-penny, two-a-penny, hot crossed buns
In honor of the vernal equinox this weekend (that is, a day with just as many hours of light as of dark) I baked a batch of hot crossed buns, yeasted, spiced breakfast rolls that the pagans ate in celebration…