Category Archive: Stage & Screen

A Brilliant but Confused Impression of Bright Plumage
Today, just a little pictorial ode to Jules Léotard (1830-1870) who, after performing to great success at the Cirque Napoléon in 1859, ditched his law career to become, the “Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze,” as celebrated by the…

Meow Mix
As I wind down writing my second book (!), I’m taking some time to go back through my files & to post some of the photos I had hoarded while writing Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. Perhaps you’ll remember the entry…

Ode to the Chorus Girl
I came across all these wonderful photos of chorus girls (a ton after the jump), most anonymous, though they reminded me of Anna Held, of course, as well as Busby Berkeley’s dancers and the dancers of the Quadrille Naturaliste. (And…

Cheered Up
I haven’t had as much fun as I had at the What Cheer Brigade’s show since I don’t know when. This 18-piece marching band out of Providence, RI, is a horn-blaring, drum-booming riot, just like those formed during the 13th…