Category Archive: Big Sensations

Female cyclists caused quite a stir wherever they rode at the turn of the last century, as you’ll read in All the Time in the World, what with their racy bloomers and their cycling suits—some tailor-made with pistol pockets, lest…

Happy Hallowe’en
I couldn’t resist some of these old fashioned fancy dress costumes culled from the web. If I had lots of time on my hands (hmmm…) I’d love to someday make a crepe paper costume. (Lots of pix after the jump!)…

The marvelous follows us…
After the spectacular storm last night I’m thinking about wonder, and specifically 16th century thinker Francesco Patrizi’s list of the 12 sources of wonder, which he published in the 1580s. Patrizi’s twelve sources of the marvelous: —ignorance —fable —novelty —paradox…

Meow Mix
As I wind down writing my second book (!), I’m taking some time to go back through my files & to post some of the photos I had hoarded while writing Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. Perhaps you’ll remember the entry…