Category Archive: Big Sensations

Ode to the Chorus Girl
I came across all these wonderful photos of chorus girls (a ton after the jump), most anonymous, though they reminded me of Anna Held, of course, as well as Busby Berkeley’s dancers and the dancers of the Quadrille Naturaliste. (And…

Bau, bau….
It’s nearly Mardi Gras already, so it’s high time that I gave a nod to the Venetian masquers of old, who eerily drift through Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. For over half the year, from early October through Lent, the nobles…

Love to Love
“Good morrow! ’tis Saint Valentine’s Day All in the morning betime. And I a maid at your window To be your Valentine” So sang Ophelia, back in Shakespeare‘s day, when everyone believed that the first person you saw on Valentine’s…

The Field of the Cloth of Gold
In one of those rare moments that brings together a handful of entries found in Encyclopedia of the Exquisite, Henry VIII of England and Francis I of France met for a month-long gilded romp in 1520, cementing their friendship. In an…